I matched with a girl on Hinge like two weeks ago and I have a big crush on her. She is sweet and has a soft, kind personality, but also has a lot of passion and energy for dogs and Taylor Swift. We immediately started texting like we had known each other forever and we’ve been texting pretty regularly ever since. She lives in Westchester and is currently visiting family in Texas. We haven’t met in person yet but she has sent me a few videos and she is very pretty. She is trying to indoctrinate me into the cult of Taylor Swift and I'm open to it.

My new client J is paying me in food. Before we start her work out I try the sausage, peas and gnocchi she's made for me and it's phenomenal. I train her for an hour and by the end she is begging for mercy, which is satisfying because she has a dominant personality type so it's fun to reverse the roles on a person like that.

I finish with her in Park Slope and bike back to Bushwick. I'm about to start a training session with disenchanted girl when I feel compelled by the tension during the work out with J to tell her I'm attracted to her and ask her out. I think S willed it when he first introduced us at the River Question and kept saying "I approve of you two dating" even though no one had mentioned us dating. It felt like he arranged it and I trust an Indian when it comes to that sort of thing. I also figured it would be better to address the tension from the beginning, before a professional rapport is formed and then it would be awkwardly lingering in the back of my mind. She responds back affirmatively. I remember how annoyed E was with J at M's party on the 4th so I'm sure she will be amused to read this.

Disenchanted girl rolls up. Lifting intensifies her disenchantment. She mocks me while I'll lifting, which is an interesting choice, but I have options so I'm unphased. Strangely, she has started calling me "babe" despite the fact that she was too disenchanted for a first kiss, so we aren't past first base, but I guess I'm babe now. She seems like a fully functional and intelligent human being so I'll let her make her own decisions.

After lifting she invites me over and I counter by inviting her over and offering to light up the BBQ. She brings her annoying little fur ball of a dog (I do not like small fluffy dogs) and we throw hot dogs and a steak on the grill and I fry up some french fries. J2 recently explained to me how to double fry so I try and it comes out great, thanks J2! We smoke a pre-roll, eat pocky and deal with her annoying little dog for like two hours while we sit on the couch listening to phreshboyswag and she scratches my back. Eventually my butt gets tired of sitting on the couch so I signal towards the bed and just like that, her and the furball are gone and I pass out from the long the day.